Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Garden Tea…

Yesterday afternoon went with some friends to a little garden tea at another friends house, her garden is so lovely and a wood that is hers as well…

I did not take any photos this year but last years are on my garden blog.

Thanks Jazz Janet and David for giving me a lift, and a huge thank you to Rosemary for a lovely afternoon, you must have an angel on your shoulder for the weather turned out perfect didn't it.

How lovely to be able to wander and chat with lovely jazz friends and eat good food, the dog, chickens and cat all wandering around amongst friends and the lovely wild garden set on the edge of the wood, what bliss.

So sorry that some who should have come could not get there because of all sorts of reasons, but hope Jenny and Terry enjoyed their doggy bag. Get better soon Jenny…

It was also Neil's Birthday so some good fun. loved the candle Sandy…I think we needed a bit more practice singing Happy Birthday!

Like mine, Rosemary's garden gets over run with all the roses and other flowers and the wild life meadow mmm very nice…but that is the beauty of nature and it was so good to be there. I am so lucky to have such lovely friends…

The old saying "you are nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth" was the last lines of a poem someone years ago wrote in my autograph book, which I have lost over the years but that stayed in my mind.

Thanks everyone look forward to next year God willing!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, another lovely afternoon tea party in R's beautiful garden & we certainly were lucky to have sunshine in the middle of some dull, cool days. We must all be very righteous!! Neil was also lucky that all this coincided with his birthday & that our host baked him two delicious cakes. The candle didn't perform perfectly but the singing was almost there! I also have that 'saying' in my auto-graph book, B
