Friday, March 21, 2014

Sole Bay Jazz Night…

What a great night at the Sports Pavilion. Ditchingham…

The Sole Bay Jazz folk gave us a really wonderful evening of  Jazz and Swing such talented musicians, and some good vocals…

Some solo's from all of the Band… Every single one of the band played so well and every week it is just that bit different, and what a crowd to supply their  appreciation of the playing…

I actually did not have time to take photos… so many people, and good that the raffle brings so much in for the band, so thank you one and all, but it takes a lot of time, however I can still listen to the music!

Roy provided us with some great vocals, and Jenny, how good it is to see you up there again, you gain more confidence each time, and I do admire you for singing after all you go through, keep it up we love you… and lovely to see Terry and the gang supporting you in every way.

As I have mentioned such a great crowd again, it is a good job that Jon is going to have an extension built, mainly for the Sports… but we have so many regular fans nowadays if they all turned up at once we would not get in, already we never have enough seats… But isn't that good to know that live music can bring so many people together…

We are so lucky and it is turning into a great Club every Thursday night… Lovely of course to see new folk finding us, and I am always so pleased to see how the word gets around…

Thanks Heidi another great job… your smile makes everyone feel good…

There are a few people still not feeling in good health at the moment, so sending some hugs to make them feel better…Music is a great healer…

Thanks to the band who I know thank you all in turn for supporting them…

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