Friday, February 14, 2014


Wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day…

Liking what I found on my door handle last night when returning from Jazz…

No idea who? or why, but at my age it was a nice thought!

Hope whoever it was …has put them on the right door!!!!


  1. What a lovely surprise Beryl - from one of your 'many' admirers I'm sure and obviously the correct address!! Hope it remains a mystery as you can then imagine a td&h stranger!

  2. Ha ha Sandy I could imagine a tall and handsome stranger in my dreams but not one wanting to send me roses… but it was someone from my past! apparently they thought it would cheer me up! Nice thought though…

  3. Anonymous6:58 pm

    A present from the past hoping for a future! whoops.

  4. Ha ha no not a future… certainly in the past! someone with a good memory who knows I love Roses!
