Friday, January 03, 2014

Sole Bay Jazz…

Another great night of live music from the Sole Bay Jazz Gentlemen, great to see a very appreciative audience. Some more new faces, we will have to get Jon to find us more chairs!!

A nice mix of arrangements, and some great playing from these talented musicians…

Roy gave us some good vocals and Craig kept them all going especially at the end when I thought the front line would run out of puff, but hope they heard that great applause…

Ray as always such a great piano player, and Tony good to hear some nice bass from you… Alan giving us some banjo and guitar, and of course our two front line… talented Ron Hockett and
Tim Densham, they certainly make a great team.

Thanks as always to Heidi, always calm with a great smile for everyone, such a great family of people that come each week to hear the music, how lucky are we, and especially how lucky I feel to be able to call so many of them friends.

I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year and lots of lovely Jazz from The Sole Bay Jazz…


  1. I could not have put it better myself


  2. Anonymous6:18 pm

    I agree with Alan, a great write up. must add that the sound balance was perfection,every instrument could be heard loud and clear. Must also say that Tony's base playing was incredible, head down and not a finger out of place, what a great player he is , and so modest with it.
