Saturday, December 21, 2013

Home made!

I spent 4 hours this morning, baking some sausage rolls, cheese bites and mince pies, ha ha, I am probably daft as can buy things much cheaper than I can make them, but some people still ask me to do them, only thing is …I do try them …whoops!!!

Also my cake … with a silly snowman! and one of the two that I made for friends but they only wanted marzipan!


  1. Yum!
    I dare say that after Phil's visit tomorrow you'll have to start baking all over again.

  2. MY cake looks lovely beryl and thanks again hope that you and your family have a happy christmas

    Duncan xxx

  3. Wow,Beryl - this all looks very tasty, you have been busy. Knew I should have put in my order for a cake - next year? Have a lovely Christmas & healthy 2014, xx

  4. Same to you both…

  5. Can i put my order in now for next year beryl duncan xxx

  6. Ha ha thanks Duncan!
    Sandy ha ha of course …God willing!

  7. More comments about your Xmas faye than for the music, cant be bad! they look great.


  8. Ah yes Alan, but look down at the last post and you will see Christmas greetings to all the Sole Bay…
