Sunday, December 01, 2013


Have been making some sugar flowers to keep my hand in !

Trying to think Christmas…

It  may look better when it gets on a cake!   This is  for you Dawn…Hope it is OK!


  1. These look beautiful B - you are so clever. If you feel the need for another practice you can do some for me to adorn my bought cake when I get it... (shock/horror!) xx

  2. Tee he …always happy to do you some Sandy, I would have done the cake if you had asked.Looking forward to our 'Coven lunch'

  3. Drat! I thought you would be up to your eyes in cake mixture so didn't like to ask. Never mind, another year maybe? Unfortunately all have decided too risky to journey out tonight so will see you next at(as you so nicely put it!)the 'coven/warlock' lunch, x

  4. Oh Sandy so pleased Jan and I are not the only ones to stay in tonight, sad but hope every one will be safe, rather wet around Ditchingham.

    Looking forward to our meal.

    Will write Christmas cards tonight instead of jazz I think!
