Sunday, August 04, 2013

Cool Blue afternoon!

Another great lunchtime of Blues and Jazz at the Butchers Arms at Beccles.

David took some great photos  have chosen a few to put on here,  he has done videos as well, so looks like a lot of time will be spent trying to remember how to size them and put them on here, but they will follow. Sometime!

They are good and especially the one that Ian (landlord) ask for The Pink Panther!

We had a trombone player some of the time, was not sure who he was, he is on a couple of videos, but have not got a photo to put on this time.

A fun afternoon… yes Simon we have got some great ones of you on the videos where you have your eyes open!



Craig and Ray

There are so many good ones it was hard to pick these, you will have to come here if you want to see them all.

Thanks Cool Blue!


  1. It was a great fun afternoon.

  2. Glad you liked it, hope you see I sorted my notes out and managed to get a couple of Videos on, thanks for all the help…

  3. Some great pics here - shall expect to see YOU on your knees at Bungay for more close-up shots! Another very enjoyable session by Cool Blue.

  4. That would be Ok Sandy but you may have to help me up!
