Monday, June 24, 2013

More roses…

These Roses are called Elizabeth, and the wind is ruining them 
however I can enjoy these ones indoors!


  1. Dear Ms. Alifan. I do look in on your blog from time to time. I particularly enjoy your pictures of all the beautiful roses. My neighbors only seem to plant the more common ones here, or they've cut the bushes back to the root stock so we only get a sort of homogeneous pink rose for blooms.

    Any way - does everyone realize that, if they can't make out the letter, they can click on the little circle arrow to the right of the box to get a new puzzle? It helps me out on occasion; I've used it 3-4 times in a row til I get one I can figure out.

  2. Hello young lady, thanks for looking in over here, glad you like the roses the smells are delicious…

    call me Mum as have never been a Ms!

  3. I never knew that. Thanks, Speedway; you're a blog genius.
