Friday, April 05, 2013


A great night was had by all who went to the Jazz this Thursday evening at the Pavilion…

Nice crowd of people… some I have never seen before…some old faces that have not been for a while…and of course the lovely fans that come to support these talented people each week. Especially as it was such a cold evening…

Nice to see you back Heidi with that lovely bump of yours…

Just hope June finds her fall yesterday will not have any lasting effect,we missed you June,
Les was worried so get better soon…and that goes for all those who are indisposed at the moment…

They all look very serious here, but it was a really good night, Tony did some of the arrangements, and we had a very varied mix of great music so thank you Gentlemen…

Great to hear Ron and Tim together, Craig played some good solos which we so enjoy, Ray the piano playing was really lovely,  and of course Tony and that double bass talks to you and us
Alan as always keeping the beat……

 I know I say it a lot but we are so very lucky to have this talent so close to home.  Also of course it is free to come and listen to them, I do not usually mention this but we do have a little raffle with a few prizes, but mainly to help support the band which of course is far better than having to pay for an entrance fee…so thank you those who support that…

Have to thank our Roy as as well for providing the vocals, with his usual panache!

Oh yes Brian what do I have to mention? oh yes the amplification was good this week!!!!
 Lovely to see you and the other Brian…

Thanks to everyone for a really good night, look forward to next week.


  1. What can I say Beryl your comments get beter week by week, as I always say my thanks to everyone who helps make our Thursdays go so wel. KEEP SPREADING THE WORD


  2. Thanks Alan, good night jazz night.
