Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Jazz…

Another night of jazz at the Pavilion Ditchingham, and a nice crowd to support the musicians considering the bitter weather… well done for turning out…

The heating I am informed is not Jon's fault (sorry Jon) but it is very cold inside as well as out, but some of the music got us going, and Roy's vocals cheered us all up.

Thanks Emma for taking over the bar from Heidi, you did well… 
and hope you had a good birthday Heidi.

Thanks for the lift Jan, really good to see you there more often now. A lot of the regulars not there but expect they will be back after all the holidays…The usual great crowd of fans were there however, and several Easter Eggs and Easter treats abounded, thanks Jean your eggs went a long way! Jazz Janet your little present is sweet  thanks from Jan as well. 
Must also say, nice to see Marian and John back hope the arm soon heals Marian we have missed you both. Nice to see our little crowd at the front table keeping well I hope, 
you know who you are…

Oh yes and thanks for all the comments on my hair… ha ha some better than others!


Tony,Craig and Tim (with terrible cold and cough) get better quick…
Now Barbara how does this one go?
Thanks to you all for a good nights music and singing and for great friends…
 wishing one and all a Very Happy Easter…


  1. Great write up Beryl my thanks to you & all the team, you guys have certainly turned it into a good club night. "Keep Spreading The" Word


  2. We try hard Alan…
