Saturday, February 09, 2013

Thursday's gig!

As I was unable to go this week, dear Neil has sent me a summary, thanks Neil and a nice photo of some jazz folk which I think is great.

"He says the music was top notch, and it as great to see Mike Leigh in action again, dropping into the familiar role of front man where he took charge of the proceedings in his practised manner and blowing up a storm, plus singing. It was clear he enjoyed himself immensly, together with former incomparable front liners from his Brandeston Band days, Bill Skinner and Dick (Trummy), Mayhew. 

As always with the Sole Bay Band, there was a super rhythm section at the back - Tony Jullings,Craig Hipperson and Alan Cugnoni. not forgetting Ray Simmons who expertly slips between rhythm and solo features on keys.

Heidi did a great job behind the bar again, someone also performed an essential service - well done Janet for stepping in at short notice on the draw ticket sales.

Pity no photos this week of the band. However just for old times sake here is a photo of the Brandeston Band from September 2006.

Next week the Sole Bay have other commitments so Roy Symonds (Romping Roy to some) will be entertaining with his band the final line up has not been decided yet."

Wow that is a good write up so thanks a lot Neil much appreciated. I missed you all.


  1. What a great group portrait. Next time you go, you have to make the musicians line up and smile like this during their break (a bit like herding cats in my experience).

  2. They do look nice… but doubt if the lads would line up like that on Jazz nights…
