Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snowy weather…

Just popped my camera outside the back door this morning, and as you can see snow still around, Oscar has been enjoying it as you can see by the footprints!

Hope everybody drives safely as although it looks pretty there is a lot of frozen ice underneath the pretty snow!
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Oscar prints
One of my boys has taken some photos of the snow last night and hope to 'borrow' some of those as he was out and about in it not just putting his nose out of the door!
This one is borrowed as well!
this is one of Dives
Stay safe…


  1. For "out and about" read "stuck in traffic between two jack-knifed lorries for hours (but fortunately right opposite the French bakery in Drayton so well-served with coffee and food and loo)."

  2. Hello! Yes, have finally sorted myself out, am now able to comment! Lovely photos of the snow. Max is upset though, as we have none!

  3. Nice to see you at last Liz. x
