Friday, October 19, 2012


Last night another good crowd came to support the Sole Bay Jazz Gentlemen, although only three original members in the line up, the 'friends' made up a rather enjoyable evening for all to hear.

Some great vocals from our Simon… and Allan sang a couple of numbers as well as blowing his different shaped Trumpet! …

Bill played a great trombone… Peter some good bursts of drumming…

Tony some lovely string Bass…Alan C on Banjo and Guitar…

Tim great playing as always, and a lovely favourite solo of mine on sax…

Really nice to see Sheila and Keith even with all their  health problems they turn up and support the band, and there are many who come to the Thursday nights who make up the great friendly feeling, music certainly is the food of life, and so thank you Sole Bay  for supplying another  different Jazz night.

Nice to see some more new faces, I think if everyone turned up to one night we would be packed out! hope those on holiday will return next week, and thanks as always to Heidi who has always got a smile and looks after us all.

We will soon have been at the Pavilion for a year, and how it has flown, Thanks to Jon and Marilyn who have made us welcome, and we look forward to a continuation of the jazz there for the future.

There may be a few goodies on our "birthday" as well …certainly I have had a little secret look into the line up for the night  and it is not to be missed.

1 comment:

  1. yes a great night from the band and simon not for getting tim solo that was very moving
