Rather late getting a report on the Sole Bay Jazz Band today, but another good night of live jazz and blues music, we are so lucky to have such great musicians locally that give us some wonderful nights of music and the time to be with friends.
Ron…Craig…Ray…Alan…Tim missed Tony again, but his swing bass certainly was there…
Missed Craig and Tony off this one… what a photographer… however got Simon!
Got you this time Tony, whoops and Craig has turned into Dave who sat in on a couple of numbers…
How about this one Simon for your album?
Thank you Sole Bay it was a delight last night as no doubt you realized by the applause…
What a great crowd of people coming to support the band …nice to see even more new faces…as well as the regular crowd who are so supportive of the band and I know how much they love playing for us all.
Thanks as always to Heidi such a pleasure always smiling and coping with our needs, and Jon hope you are still happy you choose to have the Sole Bay at the Pavilion a lovely venue for us all.
I just want to add a personal wish…Sheila you know my dear how much we all think of you and I will be praying for your safe return after your operation, Keith you know as well we are there for you.
It has become like an extended family at the jazz your family are very precious to you and have therefore become part of our big family of jazz lovers, so know everyone wishes you well
and back soon.
and back soon.
What can I add to those great comments from Bery, I hope all goes well for you Shelia, our special Thursday night lady.
I am sure everyone echos that Alan.