Tuesday, August 07, 2012

9th August… SOLE BAY JAZZ at the Pavilion…Ditchingham…

Alan has got us a great line up for this week at the Sports Pavilion Ditchingham… I was rather negative last week about the fun side of things, but of course it was only my opinion and the musicians as always played well it just did not gel for me, but with the look of this weeks line up it should be fun and I do hope we see another good attendance to support these fine performers who play us such good live jazz…

On the front line we have Tim Densham…saxophone/clarinet…

A welcome return to Bill Brewer… trombone …a fine player…

A newcomer to me but not of course to some of you 
Mike Daniels who will be playing trumpet…

Backed up well with Tony Jullings on string bass … such a brilliant player of the instrument…

Alan back again with his banjo and guitar
 keeping the beat…ably assisted by 
Craig Hipperson on drums… who is fast becoming one of the best players in this area just love his drum solos…

So we do hope to see a nice lot of support for these musicians…

Come early to get a good seat as this is turning out to be a well attended venue, it is good to see regular fans with a good mix of newcomers to live jazz music…

Start time 8pm through to 10.30pm…


  1. You should get up on the mike and do the introductions like that. Hee hee.

  2. Are you taking the mickey of me? ha ha
