Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thoughts Sad and Happy…

This really is not meant to be a sad post just a few thoughts  tumbling around in my head that need to come out!

It is rather personal but I need to put it down and where else but on my blog which keeps me company many a long hour… I know there are many people who have loved ones that have passed on to a different world…thinking especially  of those soldiers who have recently lost their lives looking after the interests of us all… I suppose they are what has made my thoughts turn to writing this. Watching those brave wives and mothers speaking on TV last evening.

So I just wanted to share my thoughts today, it is a kind of sad day, being my brother Derek's birthday, but we can only wish him love in our thoughts, because we are no longer able to touch him , only in our hearts.

My dear sister in law, her daughter, hubby and grandson, with my other brother will be thinking of him, we all know he is in safe hands and I hope my dear hubby and him are having a game of snooker together, up there amongst the stars.

Memories are what we are left with, and some great ones stay with us all, so Happy Birthday dear Bruv, we will look after each other until we all meet again.

To all those who need to rely on memories, a few happy thoughts… remember the good times… take one day at a time … and make the most of life… Put a smile on your face as you go along the way it costs nothing and helps others… as the old song goes" Be Happy", now I will have that tune going around in my head all day!

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