Saturday, February 11, 2012


I am not sure how this will come out, but one of my Sons loves the stars, and last night in all the cold took this, whilst at the observatory. I hope he does not mind that I have purloined it.…
Click on the photo to enlarge.

'Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are,' and nowadays some people know what they are, I just like to think they are the spirits of all our loved ones shining down on us.


  1. Actually, I was taking a photo of Mikey with his new ten inch refractor but Orion happened to be just over his head and you've heartlessly cropped the poor guy out of the picture. Hee hee.

  2. Hee hee sorry Mikey!Have fun tonight.

  3. there only one big star out there and it you duncan
