Friday, February 17, 2012


 Am I to old to say WOW! well maybe, but once again I have to say these gentlemen of jazz seem to have pulled yet another great night of jazz for us fans.
 Ron and Neil with a little bit of Tony! Ron played a couple of solos as well which went down very well.
Ray jazzing his way through his keyboard, thank you Ray really sweet music…

It does not seem possible that each week these folk manage to give us some different style of jazz, some great solos as well.  
Each one gives his all and the sounds are so wonderful, I admire their skills so much, as do all of us.

Roy gave us a few songs with his usual verve, and what a lot of fun and laughter from the band as well, and some of Tim's jokes had a good result! the audience was showing how much they appreciated it all. Peter played a number or several on the drums to gave Neil a break… 

Can I have my favourite jazz number next week Tim?

I am sorry for all those who did not make it this week, as it seemed even more special, but no doubt Alan will manage to pull out some more great muscians for next week.

I have to say once again how good it is at our venue as everyone is in the same room, and Jon,Marilyn and Heida, always gives us such a warm welcome.

Thanks to June for driving, and for all the lovely friends that always make me feel special, they make the night as well, I am so very lucky.

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