Friday, December 02, 2011

Sole Bay Jazz 1st December

Last night at the Maltings Pavilion Ditchingham the lovely new venue where the Sole Bay Jazz Gentlemen now give us the pleasure of live jazz music on a Thursday, was as ever a great night.

We had Tim, Alan, and Tony, with guests Ray, Craig,Trummy and Ron, what a line up, you would have to go a long way to hear better jazz, and with the really good crowd of fans that follow the Sole Bay it turned into another night of music, laughter and friendship. Thank you all.

Roy gave us a couple of good songs as well, have done a couple of videos so will see how they turn out at a later date, mainly because I have to remember how to put them on here! 

As I mentioned in the last post it is a really nice friendly place and pleasant people who take care of us all.

Hope to see another good crowd next week, Alan will give me the line up after the weekend, so watch this space. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over how much better your jazz photos are now that you no longer have to compete with that godawful bright red wall.
