Wednesday, September 21, 2011


No photos today but what a great night. Wish I could have taken a photo as they all looked so good in their best clothes! as we usually see them in their casual outfits.. if you look back I am sure I have put a photo up of them as Art Deco, very smart...

The Beccles Music Festival who gave us Art Deco at the Waveney House Hotel last night, were as always a pleasure to see and hear.

You know who they are as I write about them in some form or another every week, when most of them play for us at the Buck in Flixton..

But Ray Simmonds..Tim Densham..Alan Cugnoni.. Tony Jullings..Neil Kane..who are part of the Sole Bay Jazz Group always seem to have such fun when they play as 'Art Deco', and of course the lovely Simon Denny who sings with them, looked great in his tux, and sounded as always so good, even with his bad throat and cold so thanks to them all for a good night out.

What a great crowd as well and good that they gave such an appreciation of the band, how lucky are we regulars at the Buck to get to listen to them on a Thursday night, I hope some of those who paid for their seats last night will filter through to come for some nights at the Buck and hear more.

Thanks gentlemen as always live jazz at its best.

Sorry that you could not make it June hope you are soon better, but Janet enjoyed your place, Jan so good that you could make it even though you were feeling rough, nice to see a lot of the Thursday night crowd there as well....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a splendid gig, though it's just your luck that the one time they're suited up in tuxes you can't take photos. Hey ho.
