Friday, June 24, 2011


Sole Bay Jazz at it's best last night.. once again we had a great 7 line up and an extra with Simon Denny giving us some great sings... and Peter sitting in a few numbers on the drums...
Gottcha! boys..
Barbara and Ray performing some really great music.. in fact everyone gave their all and we had a really good audience sing in when "so do I" was played...

A nice lot of folk to support the band and nice to meet some more people who are finding the venue to listen to live jazz...nice to see you all..

Nice to see people taking photos beside me!! mine not so good this week must be more careful!

Thanks June once again for the lift, and the 'lads' for all the fun and mickey taking!

Such a good night out, please try and come and support these great musicians on a Thursday night.. well worth the effort....

Keep looking in for the line up for next Thursday night....


  1. Excellent line-up.

    "Gottcha?" What is this? The Sun?

  2. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Nice to meet you properly, Beryl. We can't go to tonight's gig but we'll be along again soon.

    I forgot my camera last week so I had to make do with my phone. If you'd like to see them (in with a lot of other gig pics), they're at

    Brian :-)
