Monday, September 13, 2010


A few shots with my new little camera! thought this looked interesting!
Should have given this one to Dive for his Monday spot! never seen the tide so high, neither had this chap obviously!
Young seagulls, should have put a video on so you could have heard them!
These ones posed!
A lone sail boat, being targeted by more seagulls!
Lovely ocean going sail boat off to somewhere nice.
More seagulls!
Three hulls are better than one?
Yet more seagulls..
The tide was the highest I have ever seen.
Just a lovely walk along the harbour on a Sunday afternoon. Hope you enjoy. I did!

Click on the photos for a better look.

1 comment:

  1. How very damp.
    The clouds look lovely. I hope you stopped for cockles at the fish quay.
