Saturday, September 04, 2010


Another great night at the Flixton Buck on Thursday .

The line up being Tim Densham on reeds/Alan Cugnoni, guitar and banjo/ Neil Kane, Drums /the Prof Tony Jullings on double bass/and guests Derek Cubitt on reeds, and Simon Nelson with his cornet and vocal...

A return of Zeb a young trombone player, who we have watched over the years, made another great night..

No photos this week, but will try next week...Thanks to the staff, as always for making it fun, and the lovely friends and fans who make it all worth while for the great musicians, it gives them such good feed back when week after week people turn out to hear the jazz.

Also no line up information for next Thursday at the moment, but watch this space...

I am trying to make the blog a bit better, but at the moment if you are interested in just the jazz, just click on the top banner, but if you want my ordinary chat, just keep with cakes and al!!


  1. Wow new-look blog! I like it and I love your new profile pic Alifan :) Hi, s'me back again!

  2. Wow Hi Lyn will pop over to your blog, long time no see, hope all is well...your pic looks rather good Lynn!
