Friday, August 20, 2010

19th August 2010 Jazz

Wonder what I can say to let you know what a great night jazz was this week again at the Fixton Buck, amazing line up, if you go to Southwold Sole Bay Jazz on the website, and Neil will have all the proper info.

But mine is just a lot of chat about how great the band is! Because they are. A few people who are regulars missed last night for several reasons, but they missed one of the best jazz nights for a long time, they are always good, but the line up this week, were Tim, (sorry I nearly blinded you with this one) Neil and the Prof, as usual, sitting in for Alan on banjo the lovely Barbara, what a smile..
Then we had Pete Scott reeds, Mike Leigh reeds , and Chris on trombone also they sang a few numbers.

The camera is not good at long range, but did manage to push my way forward as did Ruth to get a few shots, pity I did not get a recording.

Tim, Pete, Tony and Neil. camera could not get all the band in!
Ah ! Chris singing us a lovely song, thanks Ruth for getting this one.
Barbara having a laugh with Chris, and Mike giving it a real jazz sound..
Pete a great solo one this ..thanks, and good with Barbara on banjo as well, cannot recall what it was called but it was good.

Thanks Phil for bearing with everyone knowing how rough you felt, hope you did enjoy the music, and you did a grand job in the kitchen.

Also thanks to Heather and daughter, also Simon hope you both manage good holiday weekends. see you next week I hope.

Thanks to all the lovely friends who gather each week to support these great musicians. As you know I have a ball.

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