Friday, June 11, 2010

Jazz at Flixton last night..

Another great night at the Buck with the wonderful Sole Bay Jazz folk..... managed some nice photos for a change but Alan is hiding in them all, you can just see him behind Derek, so sorry Alan will catch you next time..

Ray played a great keyboard as always, and Derek on Clarinet and Sax, joined the usual Tim, Neil, Alan and the dear Prof on the double bass....if you look in and have not been to see them you are missing a great night out.
Every week somehow they manage to get some different sounds and as always a lovely feeling listening to them...
Tim making the sax come alive.
And dear Derek, such the boots D!

This week Keith thought as there is a lot of money to pay out having live music in a pub, (as it was in my day as landlady), but this day and age always something seems to try and stop live music, Phil the landlord can struggle , but as he lets the jazz folk invade his pub, even when he is not into jazz, Keith decided to run a raffle why we did not think of it before I do not know , as everywhere you go nowadays you have to pay, so no one feels that buying raffle tickets is much to pay for listening to great jazz.....

Thanks Heather for your help, you are such an asset you can get the youngsters to part with there cash,. (ah those where the days, ) anyway I digress, as folk were wonderful, and Keith has just rung me to tell me what we raised, very pleased, so a big thank you to all concerned, and for all the help, and hope you remember to bring your money with you next week, as we intend to do it all again!
Have to add, missed you Colin and Duncan, and still some people who could not come because of illness, so good health to all of those...hope to see you back soon...

As usual look in on Neil's write up on Southwold Jazz site...and next week, we celebrate Neil's birthday, so should be a great night...such lovely friends you all make my life so much richer, so thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you got your flash settings sorted out at last.
    Excellent photos of what looked to be an excellent evening's music.
