Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hangar Dance

Thought you might like to see a montage of the hangar dance that we went to last night. Not great photos as rather large hangar for my little camera, but hope you get the picture.

Such great 1940's costumes, everyone looks so good, and great atmosphere just like the old days, which I actually remember, as I think I mentioned last year!

My dear Ann with friend Richard, Ann and I grew up in the same road, something nice about not moving away from home.

Another dear friend with whom I like to have a dance. But next year I will dress up not down, as khaki is not very good for this OAP…
Lovely to meet up with good friends and the music as usual was great.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a brilliant night out.
    A WRAF uniform would be far more fetching for next year.
