Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring 2010

Could not resist a few crocus... how they manage to come through all that bad weather and still bloom is amazing...
This little bed is under the bird station, and the birds like to peck the poor flowers...waiting for the tulips to appear here.....
They are so pretty, pity they last such a short time...still spring is on its way now.....


  1. It took its sweet time coming, and I was still chipping ice off the car this week, but it looks at long last like Spring is on its way.
    Time to kick Winter in the butt.

  2. Nice to do a little bit in the garden each day....and see the bulbs coming up that you forgot were there! well those that Oscar did not dig up!

  3. What beautiful signs of spring. We are just beginning to get buds on the trees here in Ohio, but people are talking about one more blast of winter that might hit us when we least expect it. I hope not.
