Saturday, November 07, 2009

Old cars

Every year there is here in England, a veteren car race from London to Brighton..... there was a film called Genevieve that was a great take off of this...

Over the years there has not been the coverage of such a great race...pity as it is a good way of seeing how people take care of old transport....

The hubby of my dear niece was a driver in this, he is in the first car here....and he and the others got a real last weekend the heavens opened when the race took place.... you have to give praise for those poor open car drivers......well done to all of you... you should have worn gloves James you look very cold.....maybe next year someone will realize that the cars are part of our history and will pay it more attention....


  1. Yay for the London to Brighton Rally! Long may it run.
    And yay James for driving in such a great event.

  2. Aren't you glad our cars have tops now?

  3. Hi Robyn... yes poor James was thourally soaked....
