Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hope you two do not mind me borrowing this one...... glad you have had a great week in Paris.... looking forward to seeing you on Saturday......


  1. Great picture! Say hi to them from me when you see them on Saturday.

  2. Hi, I hope you can get those two to sit still long enough to take a lot of photos to post on your blog. We've been going through withdrawal here with a dirth of visual stimulation.

    Tell them hi from us also.

    You lucky lady.

  3. Oh, my, oh, my. Dearth, I meant dearth! I apologize.

  4. Oh dear I have had a migraine and viral infection, although much better this mornig so dare not go to Norwich, but hoping they will take pity on me and just pop over here for a little hello....I so want a hug....

  5. Do get better soon. Just seeing them will help to lift your spirits and make you feel good.

  6. Wow they came over.......yes Lupine lady certainly lifted the spirits.....

    Dive looks tired, Katie looks fit!!!he is going to be very sad tomorrow when she goes home....

  7. That pic was just asking to be thieved - I don't blame you! ;)

    Sorry to hear you are unwell. Best wishes x
