Thursday, June 04, 2009

June garden

At last my other large poppy decided to show itself....
One of my many Iris.....
This is my Elizibeth Rose which rambles out in the front garden...with the passion flower, which is still to bloom..the sun went in just as I was taking it, it is a much prettier pink than shows up here....


  1. These are beautiful! I wish I could grow flowers—don't even have dandelions in my yard.

  2. Hello Robyn..I have plenty of dandelions would you like some!!!!I find it hard to see without rain at the moment all the weeds are growing, but the flowers fade.....

  3. How beautiful! Poppies and irises look wonderful together. Perhaps next year I will grow irises too. Some of my poppies are now out, though nothing as large as this one. Mine seem weaker this year... lots of them though. They're currently being soaked in a huge downpour which has been raging all night.
    Love the climbing rose too.

  4. Hello Lynn hope you are well and that Mum is better... we are waiting for some rain for the garden...

    A lot of my poppies have deserted me this year, hope they come back some time as I love them....

  5. I think sometimes they miss a year, someone told me.

    I'm ok thanks, had a few trials recently but hey ho. Mum is improving slowly, thanks for asking.

    I hear you had a tornado in your region yesterday? Did you have the camera pointed by any chance? :)

  6. My lavendar has got froth under the heads. What's going on? :0

  7. No storms here Lynn.....thank goodness, but was surprised at the news about all the rain and hail....

    Lavender and many more plants, have the white froth, we call it "cuckoo spit", no idea of the proper name, but it does not harm....

  8. I KNEW you'd know. :) thanks.

  9. Your poppy is gorgeous! One of my favorites. My garden now has about 5 different colors of poppies in bloom--white, pink, dark pink, orange, and the beautiful scarlet one called Turkenlouis. It is so gratifying. I have lots of irises, too--someone told me I have an English garden--a real compliment. Now the peonies are mixing in. It's the best time of year for that garden. Thanks for sharing yours.

  10. I was going to tell you that my sister, Lupine Lady, has wonderful poppies and lupines and irises of all hues,too, and to tell her to go to your blogsite but I find that she's already been there! I'm just back from a visit and can attest that they are lovely; or were lovely before the rain on Tuesday.

    I hope you get as much pleasure as she does out of your beautiful garden.

  11. Oh Lupine Lady how gorgeous it all sounds. I do not have any luck with Peonies.....

    Cynthia, thanks. and yes I enjoy my garden, even if it is a lot of work, and I also get pleasure out of sitting in it..... only thing is I can always find some weeds!
