Monday, December 01, 2008

OAP Jazz

TSunday Jazz with some of the sweetest old lads in the business....they may look old but play Jazz like young ones....had to grab the photos in a hurry before it got to full of not great but you can get the idea.... the dear chap on the Tuba will be 89 on Wednesday!!!!see Dive hope lives!!!!
Dave looks a bit grim on the drums, but he is still great.....

Thanks for a great Sunday lunch time boys, see you in the new year.....


  1. That looks great fun but I really hope the old guys DON'T play jazz like young ones; young guys can't play jazz!

  2. I'm sure these guys don't feel old when they are playing jazz! I bet this was quite a lively event and fun to hear.

  3. Indeed it was Katie, lots of old talent there..and such fun... old musicians are great!!!

  4. How fun. I love jazz tubas.

  5. They look great!

    Oh and in answer to your question of earlier: YES!

  6. Old tuba players (and I know some) never die, they just get into treble. (trouble / treble cleff, geddit?)

  7. Hello Pea how are you? lovely to see you are busy playing at this time of year...xxxx
