Saturday, November 22, 2008

November Snow

This morning early we had our first real snow. took this photo first in the back garden, and then it got a lot worse!!
This was a while ago out the front garden.....


  1. Gosh really? I haven't spoken to Mum and Dad today so didn't know. I need snow for some photos so I hope it comes here!

  2. Roll on spring.

    Sorry, Lynn; it's just due to splatter its way down the east coast.

  3. Lynn you are welcome to it!!!!!

    Have a nice lunch Dive....

  4. I'm hopeful for tomorrow...

  5. Ah, I love looking at pictures of snow, as long as it's in someone else's location! I've had my fill of snow to last a lifetime, so I think I can happily view it from a long distance. To kids make snowmen and do snow angels there??

  6. Yes Katie snowmen are built but not enough snow at the moment, Dive and Full always had a snowman.. whoops I will get myself in trouble again!!!!!!

    Another change of photo Lynn perhaps I should change mine, only I have more wrinkles now!!!!
