Thursday, November 13, 2008

Birthday Boy

Happy 50th birthday Son... as you have taken all my photo albums of you and your brother as babies.. this is what I am left with!!!!

The first time of making yorkshire puddings I believe at the pub, thank goodness it was not one of the other aprons!!!!!!!



  1. I didn't enjoy the photos but I am certainly enjoying the cake.
    Thanks, mum.

  2. Ah, what a cutie! It's a great photo. Dive can sharpen it up a bit in Photoshop for you. The kitchen one is great he he. Little did he know then that years later, he'd be delighting many readers with recipes online, eh. So he nicked all the photos huh? Sons, huh, don't you love 'em? Yes, yes yes we do! xxx

  3. By the way thank you so much for linking me here! x

  4. Hi Lynn..yes must get those photo's these boys hate to be reminded of their past.....and how we love to bring it back!!!!!

  5. Alifan you've made a stunner of a cake for Dive's birthday! What a lot of work to make the sushi so realistic. Bravo! Oh, and thanks for making Dive too. My life would be a lot duller without him!

    Question about the photo of Dive cooking -- is he wearing tights? Was he going to a Robin Hood party or something? Classic photo!!

  6. Hello Dive's Mum! That is certainly a beautiful cake - which I shall enjoy on Saturday!

    Dive was adorable as a baby!

  7. Thanks Katie and Joy..... so good to know Dive has some good pals......

    Hope you like the cake Joy...

  8. Oh Katie just looked at the photo again.. they were tight jeans all the fashion in the 80's.. whoops sorry Dive......

  9. My goodness - that is a stunning cake!!

  10. WOW! You've surpassed yourself again Beryl....what a fantastic cake!
    Almost as good as those photos...awe bless him! ;-)

  11. Congratulations for producing such a wonderful boy and great cake, unless it's the other way around.

    You're a true cake artist! The barbie cake was amazing too. Did she have her legs inside the cake or were her legs removed I wonder? Oooops, sorry for asking what's under a girl's skirt, I guess it's a very improper thing to do!!! LOL

  12. So nice to see so many comments thanks folks.......

    Nathalie the legs had to be taken off sadly!!!!!!

  13. You are an artist! Your cake was absolutely amazing! We bloggers all love your son. He has quite a fan club.

  14. What an amazingly deceiving cake Alifan!! Aren't you something?! :D And what a fun little set of photos of your interesting boy! He really packs a punch doesn't he? Bahaha

    Glad you and your boys have such a great relationship. I hope to be so blessed when mine are grown. :) Have a great weekend!

  15. What a doll. Happy birthday, Dive!

  16. Nice Site

    Very interesting.

    Love the CAKES !

  17. This is great to see so many folk on here... thank you....

  18. Oh we do, Alifan. Thing is, mine moan when I bring the camera out, nay it's strapped to my side - but one day, they'll be so pleased to see all these pics of themselves. In strange fashions, odd haircuts, fancy't they? :)

  19. Hi Alifan! I have just finished eating the cake and it's gorgeous! I love it. Many thanks for making it :D And thanks to Dive for sharing it.

  20. I just have to ask Alifan, what was underneath that fabulous icing and yummy toppings? What did you make the chopsticks out of? Was it marzipan? I bet the cake didn't last long. (Happy Birthday Dive - the fifties are fabulous you know).
