Sunday, February 17, 2008


Today Dive rang up and said did I fancy a trip to Southwold!!!......We have a little programme on our Local TV where a chef goes around the coast and he cooks etc........Coastal Kitchens it is called, and Darren seen here with me this morning, took the presenter cook out on his boat during the week, but the chef did not show Darrens nice wet fish shop, so Dive and I are making up for that....

We bought fresh prawns and cockles.....
As you can see Dive thought they were rather special!!!!
These are huts especially for Lesley!!!!
Dive took this one of me looking like a drunken sailor, we started off with coats, and ended up carrying them as the weather was great...............
Of course one always meets up with friends....... hope you look in Margaret and Pete.. nice to see you....
As usual the walk was great this time not only starting at the pier and walking to the harbour, we went back through the town, loads more pics soon...when I have recovered.......


  1. Looks like a lovely day all around--the weather, the food, the company.

  2. Lovely to see Margaret and Pete again after so many years.
    And thos cockles were GORGEOUS!!!!!

  3. Thos? Those! Learn to type, man!

  4. Thank you for the charming beach hut photos - oh how Eric and I would love a beach hut!
