Saturday, September 08, 2007

Flower Festival Somerleyton Church

Somerleyton Fower Festival this afternoon, just a few of the great displays....Barn Dance.

Viennese Waltz .. loved the sunflowers as well...

Rock & Roll, they were all so cleverly done...

Lambeth Walk.......This is a beautiful Church....

You cannot see the details here, but it was so well done...

This from Lord Somerleyton called Hunt Ball, the cake had ballet shoes on it....

Talking of Ballet !!!!! I was rather pleased with this photo, you can see some of the lovely stained glass and (Pea Hen if you look in, have you ever been there, if not it is a must.....) I also managed the reflection in the mirror of the stained glass opposite!!!!

This was the real stunner.. so clever look at the hands on the piano!!!

I have more I will put on another day....... hope you like!!!!


  1. wow, there is a lot of work involved here. Do you do any of your own flower arranging?

  2. Oh yes Robyn I love it...I did help with our flower club for several years, never seem to have the time now.....

  3. I'm really impressed with those floral arrangements and i've seen a few in my time. It must have been a real pleasure for you. Would love to have been there.

  4. Thanks WG.... you would have loved it..

    The Church was where our banns were read over 50 years ago, as John's Dad used to work at Somerleyton.
