Friday, April 27, 2007

Cake once more!

This is my little Manchester United sponge for a 30 year old birthday, not really my idea of a celebration cake, but I try and do what the customer wants!!!!!


  1. That is just fabulous!! Look at the detail in that badge!! Brilliant!!

  2. Thanks friend xxxx

  3. There's something sad and slightly dodgy about this being a thirtieth birthday cake.
    Still; takes all sorts, I suppose …

  4. Ha Ha Dive but they had a great fancy dress party, and they tell me the cake was great fun...and yummy...

    Do you want me to post some pics of our fancy dress parties at the pub.... dodgy or what????hee hee as Ame would say!

  5. Hi Mum!

    Thanks so much for the touching things you're ONE special MUM! ;)

    I'm doing fine...and slowly getting out under some of the phonecalls I've been making...there's a LOT of WORK undoing someone from the planet! Dad had credit cards (with empty balances thank goodness, LOL!) I didn't even know he had!

    Anyway, I'm gonna try to get back into bloggin' soon...I miss everyone too much!

    OH, those cakes are BEEEEEEAUTIFUL! And I have to crack up at Dive's "dodgy" FAVE Britty word EVER!

    See ya soon!
    Me, your cyberdaughter!

  6. Ame thank you... I hope things get settled soon, miss you xxx

  7. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Wow. That's a hot cake. I really like the detail. I bet it was good tasting too.

    I came to thank you for your visits and comments on my blog. Thank you.

  8. Fantastic cake. Well boys remain boys all their lives don't they ;)
