Thursday, February 08, 2007

More Snow

Well the snow has arrived again, my poor flowers look a little cold!!


  1. the plants do look cold, I'm sure they will recover, after the warmer weather last weekend they must be a bit confused :) I took some pictures in the garden today too for a couple of hours it looked really pretty.

  2. Hi Rosie.... yes think the birds are wondering what is happening with the weather as well poor things.... hope you are well...

  3. Considering it was dark when you took this (without flash) and you Photoshopped it into visibility, I think it looks brilliant.
    Robyn is the Jedi Master of Photoshop, but you must be at least a Paduan by now.

    Don't worry; at least one of the Mad Bints must be nerdy enough to explain that one.

  4. I can't stand the cold, or the dark evenings and mornings, so winter isn't my favourite time of the year, but I have to admit that the snow makes everything look so lovely.

  5. Thanks Dive.....I think!!!

    Peahen, thanks for the e mail, hope you had a great birthday.

    Winter is not my favourite time of year either, but as I sit here near my dragonfly lamp you made and D bought me, it feels nice and cosy...
