Have I joined the ranks of scrooge?
Yesterday my brother and sister in law took me to a garden centre... we were looking for a few plants to brighten the autumn days.....
We walked into a winter wonderland, oh yes I can appreciate the glamour and glitz, but oh dear it was still September....
I wondered what had happened to Christmas, which, as I am old school still believe that it was someones birthday..... now I know that all the science has told us otherwise, but at my age I still have memories of Christmas as a Church service and a few presents, a tree, and lots of lovely food that we did not see for the rest of the year....The children's faces when they saw the tree...
So have we come far in this day and age, who is it that is trying to convince the people who live their lives on credit and benefit........that you must have the most wonderful amount of all those presents.......The biggest and best dressed tree etc...
I am so pleased that my boys were brought up in the days of good food, small presents, a nice tree and friends and family all around , cards sent to keep in touch with those who we have not seen during the year...
It must be so hard for families nowadays, as the children's faces looking at all the wonderful presents, bows and glitter that met us yesterday. how can they realise that they cannot have what they want, and how many weeks are there to Christmas? well enough so that by the time it gets here they will have no idea what it is all about...and the credit cards will be full....but will they appreciate it?
I was pleased to see there were a few nativity groups ... maybe people will remember that is what we should be thinking about........but I suppose I am getting cynical in my old age.....I loved Christmas, all the preparation of the food and all that goes with it... the Church and Carols, the boys faces when they saw the presents.......Maybe it is because without my dear hubby nothing means as much anymore.....
But they call this progress so have to go with it.....I just wish that all the commercial Christmas goods could stay away until at least December........we should be living in the present.. not for the present....so maybe I am scrooge after all!!!!